It seems that to get
banned from Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform is very easy
to do.
Here are the basic
1. Open a KDP
account and publish a few books.
2. Talk to a couple
of local friends who also write.
3. Share some
resources, internet connection etc.
4. Discuss with them
just how difficult it is to get paid royalties if you live outside
the US or UK.
5. Now this is the
real trick to getting banned.... say, “Hey, I have a US bank
account, why don't you get your royalties paid there, rather than
rely on the East African Postal Service to deliver a worthless
cheque. (That's if said cheque doesn't get lost or stolen before
6. Now this is where
it gets interesting.... receive a high handed email from KDP stating
that you have multiple accounts which is strictly forbidden, on pain
of death, in KDP's terms and conditions, you are also banished
forever to the hell that is epub, no debate, no discussion, no
7. Reply to smug KDP
contact, (who doesn't actually have the courage to disclose full name
in the message, simply calling himself Michael A) Apologise, and plead if not
total innocence, but a high degree of ignorance, and that you do not
have multiple accounts, simply multiple users applying the same bank
8. Receive
dismissive reply stating that KDP have several different criteria to
apply while deciding such cases, and in your case.... go away, never
contact us again... ever. Oh and by the way, you will never be
permitted to publish through KDP ever again.
Now this got me
wondering, Amazon is probably approaching the status of the worlds
largest retailer, is it possible that they can sample DNA through my
keyboard, they appear to be very sure that for all eternity, neither
myself or anyone remotely contacted to me may use their publishing
I guess when you are
that big and powerful, why would you consider discussion, highlight
an issue, and permit changes to be made? When you are that big and
powerful... you can do whatever you want.
I suppose that the
moral here is... Never do anyone a favour, (if Amazon is in the
picture,) because you will be punished.
Having had my little
moan about the draconian attitudes displayed, let me look forward
with a little enthusiasm.
Traffik: The Stolen
Girls remains a UK bestseller (on Amazon of all places – through my
publishers Creativia).
And Gondell's Quest
– Destiny is now published through Lulu and Createspace, (epub,
mobi, pdf, paperback and hardback) and should be available very soon
through B&N Nook, Kobo, Apple iTunes, Ingrams, and yes, even
This epic fantasy
rapidly turned into a saga. Reaching the 1200 page mark, and being
not even remotely close to the end, I decided to split it into two
parts, Book One – Destiny, and Book Two – The Legacy of Kalenzi,
(out early next year). Now I will have two 750 page novels rather
than one 1500 page, unprintable volume.
Gondell's Quest - Book One - Destiny.
Available now to download (epub) for $3.99 (link below) or if you want pdf or kindle versions, send me a message, we can work something out through paypal!
Print books are available from Lulu, Amazon, and Createspace.
Digest Edition (US Only) $13.49

Ebook (Global) $3.99

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