Andy Lang Books

Saturday, 29 August 2015

The Red Trade - Worldwide Links

Here are the lnks to The Red Trade on the various Amazon global websites.

The pre-order price is set at the Amazon minimum (depending on region) until the 12th of September.

Two must die, so that one may live.

A truly frightening tale, more so because it is based on documented fact. The Red Trade is the heart wrenching story of a group of small children who are abducted from their homes by ruthless, heartless men, and sold for organ harvesting, sacrifice to superstition, and to satisfy the sick and twisted desires of wealthy foreigners.

A look at rural life in East Africa, and an accurate portrayal of the hardships faced daily by the less privileged in Kenyan society, (who are the vast majority). The book also touches on a subject considered by many as taboo. Albinism generates mixed response in Africa, misunderstanding and superstitious ignorance surround these people who are pure African, yet of the “wrong” colour.

Finally a book that champions the less fortunate, and hopefully will help towards understanding and tolerance.

The Red Trade.

Anita is a happy and healthy girl, but she has a problem, something that sets her aside from her peers, an inescapable condition. Anita is white, yet her heart and blood are pure African.
For Anita is albino. A cursed child; an abomination.
Junior and Uncle are happy, carefree twins. Mischievous boys, full of life, pranks and optimism.
Natasha is a happy go lucky schoolgirl without a care in the world.

But they all share one thing in common. They are targets for The Red Trade. For a criminal gang is operating in their small corner of Africa, and customers around the world eagerly await.

Fortunately there are people willing to stand up and shout, “Enough is enough,” Glenn Ridgely is one such man, and with the help of his street-wise Kenyan girlfriend Ruth, and world weary Kalanjin police officer, Morgan. He sets about dismantling their sinister and sordid empire.

The Red Trade. A story of human trafficking that reveals hidden truths that many wish to deny exist.
A story that ranges from the IDP camps of northern Uganda to the wide, majestic plains of the Serengeti, and far across the Indian Ocean to distant Pakistan. A story of abuse, subjugation, cruelty and superstition, morality, and finally hope and redemption.

Friday, 28 August 2015

The Red Trade - Pre-order links

The Red Trade is now available to pre-order as a kindle ebook. (special introductory price of $0.99 / £0.99 / E0.99. The price will be increased to $3.99 on the 12th September)

Two must die, so that one may live.

A truly frightening tale, more so because it is based on documented fact. The Red Trade is the heart wrenching story of a group of small children who are abducted from their homes by ruthless, heartless men, and sold for organ harvesting, sacrifice to superstition, and to satisfy the sick and twisted desires of wealthy foreigners.

A look at rural life in East Africa, and an accurate portrayal of the hardships faced daily by the less privileged in Kenyan society, (who are the vast majority). The book also touches on a subject considered by many as taboo. Albinism generates mixed response in Africa, misunderstanding and superstitious ignorance surround these people who are pure African, yet of the “wrong” colour.

Finally a book that champions the less fortunate, and hopefully will help towards understanding and tolerance.

The Red Trade.

Anita is a happy and healthy girl, but she has a problem, something that sets her aside from her peers, an inescapable condition. Anita is white, yet her heart and blood are pure African.
For Anita is albino. A cursed child; an abomination.
Junior and Uncle are happy, carefree twins. Mischievous boys, full of life, pranks and optimism.
Natasha is a happy go lucky schoolgirl without a care in the world.

But they all share one thing in common. They are targets for The Red Trade. For a criminal gang is operating in their small corner of Africa, and customers around the world eagerly await.

Fortunately there are people willing to stand up and shout, “Enough is enough,” Glenn Ridgely is one such man, and with the help of his street-wise Kenyan girlfriend Ruth, and world weary Kalanjin police officer, Morgan. He sets about dismantling their sinister and sordid empire.

The Red Trade. A story of human trafficking that reveals hidden truths that many wish to deny exist.
A story that ranges from the IDP camps of northern Uganda to the wide, majestic plains of the Serengeti, and far across the Indian Ocean to distant Pakistan. A story of abuse, subjugation, cruelty and superstition, morality, and finally hope and redemption.

On a personal note: This is a story that has been in the back of my mind for some time, just waiting for a chance to put pen to paper, or more accurately, fingers to keyboard.
The Red Trade explores the darker aspects of the despicable trade in human beings that is carried out across the world, regardless of region, 1st and 3rd worlds are equally guilty. Trafficking of human organs is rife, more transplant patients than donors will always be an issue, a situation that favours the heartless and conscienceless in society, and this book does cover this terrible trade at its core, but I also wanted to look a little deeper, because there is a less well known trade in human life. A trade that sadly flourishes, fuelled by superstitious belief in witchcraft, Muti killings do take place, human beings are murdered so that their body parts can be used in potions and charms, and Albino children are in huge demand.
It is documented fact that in 2009, three Tanzanian men were found guilty of the murder of a 14 year old albino boy, his legs were removed to be sold for use in witchcraft. A similar crime occurred again in 2010 in Tanzania and Burundi, when an albino child was dismembered for Muti.
National Geographic estimates that the total revenue for a complete set of albino body parts is valued at $75,000.
Albinism amongst Caucasian peoples is a noticeable genetic trait, yet reasonably accepted, however, albinism carries a huge stigma in Africa in conjunction with considerable superstition. As an example, in some regions it is believed that sexual intercourse with an albinistic woman will cure HIV AIDS, this unbelievable misconception has led to a dramatic increase in the reported cases of rape amongst albino women, and also vastly increased levels of infection. Only recently a documentary on a national television channel in East Africa investigated the trait of albinism, I was shocked to note that the headline for the piece was “Hope for albino creatures

This novel is entirely fictional, but I would stress, fiction in this case is based on fact. To mention a side topic that enters the story, I make reference to the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), a terrorist group who still retain a strong presence in central Africa. The LRA has abducted thousands of innocent children in Northern Uganda and surrounding countries, and these children have been forced into lives of horror and degradation. The LRA leader, Joseph Kony is still at large today.

Although the topic of my trafficking series of books may appear unsavoury, I hope, and it is my intention to not only entertain with exciting adventure stories, I also pray that just maybe I can open a few eyes and minds at the same time, and raise a little awareness.

The Red Trade - Pre-order from tomorrow at only $0.99

The Red Trade will be available to pre-order from tomorrow (29/08/2015) on Amazon kindle.

The official publishing date is set for the 12th of September, but I am offering the novel at the special low introductory price of only 0.99 USD, 0.99GBP or 0.99EUR until then. (Normal price $3.99)

Two must die, so that one may live.

A truly frightening tale, more so because it is based on documented fact. The Red Trade is the heart wrenching story of a group of small children who are abducted from their homes by ruthless, heartless men, and sold for organ harvesting, sacrifice to superstition, and to satisfy the sick and twisted desires of wealthy foreigners.

Anita is a happy and healthy girl, but she has a problem, something that sets her aside from her peers, an inescapable condition. Anita is white, yet her heart and blood are pure African.
For Anita is albino. A cursed child; an abomination.
Junior and Uncle are happy, carefree twins. Mischievous boys, full of life, pranks and optimism.
Natasha is a happy go lucky schoolgirl without a care in the world.

But they all share one thing in common. They are targets for The Red Trade. For a criminal gang is operating in their area, and customers around the world eagerly await.

Fortunately there are people willing to stand up and shout, “Enough is enough,” Glenn Ridgely is one such man, and with the help of his street-wise Kenyan girlfriend Ruth, and world weary Kalanjin police officer, Morgan. He sets about dismantling their sinister and sordid empire.

The Red Trade. A story of human trafficking that reveals hidden truths that many wish to deny exist.
A story that ranges from the IDP camps of northern Uganda to the wide, majestic plains of the Serengeti, and far across the Indian Ocean to distant Pakistan. A story of abuse, subjugation, cruelty and superstition, morality, and finally hope and redemption.

This is my second human trafficking themed novel, and explores the darkest sides of an insidious trade. For those that enjoyed Traffik: The Stolen Girls, this is the next in what may become a series.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Free download - Traffik: The Stolen Girls (sampler)

Traffik: The Stolen Girls sampler (pdf). Free download.

The first few chapters of UK Bestseller Traffik: The Stolen Girls

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Worldwide Links - Traffik: The Stolen Girls

Here are the direct links to Traffik. Currently listed in the wrong genre for some strange reason. Amazon say that they are dealing with the issue, so I guess it is just a matter of time before it gets moved back to Men's Adventure, rather than its current positioning in Romance. (Human trafficking and forced prostitution, hardly romantic topics!!!)

A story of modern day slavery. Four girls stolen from their homes and sold into a life of degradation and humiliation. Four very different girls who learn to respect and rely on each other as they battle for survival against the odds and a cruel, powerful enemy.

Follow spoilt and vain Jata, sensible and motherly Akinyi, sensitive but disturbed Shani and worldly Marija as they strive to regain their stolen freedom and dignity.

Editorial Review
Human trafficking must be one of the ugliest scourges of humanity, and the author's unflinching look at this abominable practice is heartbreaking, no less so because of his skill in drawing believable, likable characters. Readers who seek realism and social change will appreciate this book, and lovers of redemption stories where honest people struggle against great odds towards a well-deserved happy ending will find enjoyment in the pages. Traffik: the Stolen Girls will make you angry. It will make you cry. And then it will make you cheer. In all, this is a book well worth reading.

Reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads etc.

Really enjoyed this book. It took me on a journey with all the characters, and I actually felt that I was alongside them the whole way through. Would like to read similar material from author in future :) 

Well this was not what I expected It was better . This story is about the plight of 4 girls Mainly . How they felt with being taken in to prostitution . There survival and the long journey of there life to get home. There are No sex scene no erotica obviously sex act ars mentioned but Not described this book is not that type . BUT it is about endurance Faith hope love friendships survival . Overall it is very good story keeps your interest all the way through . I do highly recommend this book

Fantastic book makes you think for days after finishing it

An incredible insight into the world of human trafficking and forced prostitution, this book is not about sex or erotica although the subjects are discussed tastefully, it is more a story of hope, faith and determination. The book was not what I was expecting when I started reading.... but I was soon hooked.
An incredible insight into the world of human trafficking and forced prostitution, this book is not about sex or erotica although the subjects are discussed tastefully, it is more a story of hope, faith and determination. The book was not what I was expecting when I started reading.... but I was soon hooked.
An incredible insight into the world of human trafficking and forced prostitution, this book is not about sex or erotica although the subjects are discussed tastefully, it is more a story of hope, faith and determination. The book was not what I was expecting when I started reading.... but I was soon hooked.
This book is much deeper than his first with more detailed interraction between the different girls. Not wishing to add any spoiler but I have to admit as I worked my way through the book, my least favourite character at the beginning became my favourite at the end. It's frightening to know that this sort of thing is actually happening in the 21st century.

I read this authors first book and enjoyed it so much I couldn't wait for the next, this one is quite a departure from the first, it's much deeper and a little darker, and really draws you into the situations the girls find themselves in, I don't want to spoil it for everyone so I won't say any more.
Definitely 5 stars from me.
An incredible insight into the world of human trafficking and forced prostitution, this book is not about sex or erotica although the subjects are discussed tastefully, it is more a story of hope, faith and determination. The book was not what I was expecting when I started reading.... but I was soon hooked.
Barnes & Noble reviews


Monday, 24 August 2015

Worldwide Links - Gondell's Quest

I am eventually going to do this for all of my books. Here are the worldwide Amazon links for Gondell's Quest, which is available to pre-order at the minimum price allowed by Amazon. (per region)

An unlikely Hero. A Sword of Power. A race against time.

The epic story of an unsuspecting hero, dragged into a battle that all thought had been already been won.
Believable and heart warming characters that will develop into friends.
A rich and beautifully described world, filled with mythical beings. The story grips you from the first page.

Long before the dawn of man, peace reigned in the world. True evil did not exist. Or so it was thought, for the ancient evil had been defeated long before. But even the wisest can make mistakes, for a new darkness from the north began to spread across the land, insidiously, secretly, a dark and terrifying leader rising from the ashes.

Gondell Lenzen had never considered himself special or important, an ordinary Gnome, leading an ordinary life. Yet, a hidden and long forgotten family heritage drew young Gondell into a chain of events that would bring the free world to the brink of disaster.
As the forces of darkness mass against the armies of the Guild, only the legendary Keeper can bring certain victory. A fact that both sides know well.

The Keeper became the key.

A small team of misfits may prove to be the free worlds only hope as they struggle against the greatest odds to snatch Gondell, the Keeper of legend, from the clutches of the Dark Lord and his minions. An unlikely group. Elf, Ogre, Dwarf and Nymph partner with a Ghul, a desert demon in a desperate race. A race that they cannot afford to lose.

Gondell's Quest. An epic adventure into the world as it was before the rise of man. A story that races from deep and inhospitable deserts to the frozen lands of the north, from the high seas to the highest mountain peaks. A titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. A story of friendships forged and loyalty won, strategies revealed, deception, fear and doom.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Human Trafficking – A scar on the face of civilization.

“It doesn't affect me!” A statement made so often, “I live in a civilized country, things like that don't happen here!” Another fallacy. It happens everywhere, in every country. 

During the research for Traffik: The Stolen Girls, I dug deep into the shady world of the traffickers, and although Traffik is purely a work of fiction, the basis of the story is based on first hand accounts given to me by some of the more fortunate girls that managed to escape their captivity.
African girls from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, almost every country in sub-Saharan Africa, South American girls from Brazil and Venezuela. Girls from Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, girls from Russia, Poland, Bulgaria.... all exploited, all imprisoned and forced into degradation. 

The root causes: Greed and Poverty. The greed of ruthless groups that capitalise on misery and desperation, groups that feed hope with lies and false promises. And the poverty that drives the less fortunate to strive for a better life. True, many of these unfortunates are duped because of their own naivety and innocence... but since when have these traits been crimes?

I will tell you the story of one such girl. A Kenyan national. She was promised work in Southern Spain by a fixer in Nairobi, to work as a housekeeper and nanny for a wealthy family.
She was a rural girl with only the most basic of education, and the offer to her eyes was perfect, more money than she had ever dreamed, security, a job that would allow her to support her parents back home. They didn't require any qualifications, all that she had to do was get herself to a collection point! 
Too good to be true, of course... but put yourself into her position, hungry, penniless, no hope, no future, no benefits to rely on... destitute. Now ask yourself... would I be tempted by this offer?
The reality for her involved transport in the hold of a cargo vessel, confiscated passport and identity documents, threats and beatings, forced prostitution and illegal photography/video shoots.

Trapped in a foreign country, without friends or support, she sought to escape, only to be given a horrifying ultimatum. 
Speak to anyone about this, and your parents will die, try to run away, and your parents will die, you will only be free when you have paid your debt to us in full with interest.

Five years she survived in seedy brothels and on the streets, and was one of the lucky few that managed to repay their “costs” and regain her documentation.

This young lady is only one of thousands who are forced into prostitution every year. The statistics vary from source to source but despite discrepancies, it is beyond doubt that these are not isolated cases.

OK, I accept that these things are happening,” you may say, “But what can I do about it?” Individually, very little, but united there is hope. Support organisations that fight this scourge, volunteer, or at the very least donate what you can... every little helps.

It is truth that many choose that particular profession, but the next time that you see a scantily clad hooker walking the street, pause for a second before you judge... just maybe she has no other choice!

Here are a just a few worthy organisations that deserve support.

A story of modern day slavery. Four girls stolen from their homes and sold into a life of degradation and humiliation. Four very different girls who learn to respect and rely on each other as they battle for survival against the odds and a cruel, powerful enemy.

Follow spoilt and vain Jata, sensible and motherly Akinyi, sensitive but disturbed Shani and worldly Marija as they strive to regain their stolen freedom and dignity.

Editorial Review
Human trafficking must be one of the ugliest scourges of humanity, and the author's unflinching look at this abominable practice is heartbreaking, no less so because of his skill in drawing believable, likeable characters. Readers who seek realism and social change will appreciate this book, and lovers of redemption stories where honest people struggle against great odds towards a well-deserved happy ending will find enjoyment in the pages. Traffik: the Stolen Girls will make you angry. It will make you cry. And then it will make you cheer. In all, this is a book well worth reading.

The Fountain of Saba

The Fountain of Saba is the first of a trilogy, followed by Tokoloshe (published in paperback only at the moment) and Cryptid (due for publication 2016).

The story centres on young Ethiopian Ayana Regassa's determination to prove the legend of Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, her existence and place in history.
Teamed with Dr. James Preston, a British TV star and archaeologist, Ira Goldblum, an irritable and cantankerous Israeli professor of Ancient Languages, Helen Ross, a Wiccan specialist in Ancient Religions and all around odd-ball, and a squad of South African mercenaries posing as security, they head into the highlands of Ethiopia following clues gleaned from the famous Prester John Letter.

It is not long before the small civilian team begin to realise that their expedition security have more sinister motives than historical proofs.

This is first and foremost an adventure/suspense novel, but there is also an undertone of spirituality, an awakening and strengthening of belief and faith. A story of discovery, jeopardy and redemption.

I have just created a little stand alone website for the book, so please feel free to take a look, and comments are always welcomed.


Saturday, 22 August 2015

Judging a book by its cover! - Updated

I have been toying with the idea of updating the cover for The Fountain of Saba. The book is an African Adventure set in Ethiopia.

Here is the original cover, plus two new options... which would encourage you most to give this book a try?

Original Cover Design

Option One

Option Two

Feedback has led me to alter the design of option one slightly. The text is hopefully a little easier to read now.

Very soon I intend to run a small competition to select the new cover for The Fountain of Saba. Why not subscribe to my newsletter (don't worry, I won't fill your inbox with junk) and I will let you know when the competition is running.
5 winners will be selected at random that voted for the best design, and will receive a free electronic copy of The Fountain of Saba as a thank you. (PDF, kindle or epub).

Here is the updated cover.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Wix free websites

Do you want a free website that's easy to manage... if you haven't seen them before, check out No html knowledge needed, some nice free apps... pretty cool if you want a quick site without having to buy a domain name or hosting package!

I just set up a quick promo page for Traffik.  Take a look here.

Last Chance!! (almost)

It's almost the last chance to get a copy of Peninah's Passion at the reduced price of only $0.99 / £0.99 (offer ends 20/08/2015).

Everyone has a past...
But what happens when you hide that past from your husband?
What happens when you deny your deepest desires?
What happens when those desires are revealed by an assassin, and you find yourself pursued by a ruthless drugs cartel across two continents while trying to pick up the pieces?

Find out in Peninah's Passion, a tale of denial, deceit, fetish and awakening.

This book contains adult themes and language but is NOT erotica.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

My little whinge for the day

Certain things are beyond control, this I understand.... But, there is sense in the old expression, "Don't try to fix it, if it's not broken."

Either someone is playing with keywords for Traffik: The Stolen Girls, or Amazon in their wisdom have decided to do a little shuffling.

A book that has ranked as a UK best seller in the Mens's Adventure genre for over six months, has suddenly dropped from sight and is now hovering between #80 and #120 in romance? As we all know, keywords decide the genre and positioning of a book, specific words for specific genres. And as those of you that have read Traffik will no doubt agree, this book is very far from romantic, being based on human trafficking and forced prostitution. Oh well, I am sure that some explanation will show up.

On a more positive note, the book has actually made decent sales in the USA today, so I mustn't complain too much.

Here is a review from my publishers editor that has just been added to my sales pages.

Human trafficking must be one of the ugliest scourges of humanity, and the author's unflinching look at this abominable practice is heartbreaking, no less so because of his skill in drawing believable, likable characters. Readers who seek realism and social change will appreciate this book, and lovers of redemption stories where honest people struggle against great odds towards a well-deserved happy ending will find enjoyment in the pages. Traffik: the Stolen Girls will make you angry. It will make you cry. And then it will make you cheer. In all, this is a book well worth reading.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Gondell's Quest Paperback Cover

Here is the new layout for the paperback edition of Gondell's Quest. I should be published at the same time as the ebook.



Monday, 17 August 2015

Peninah's Passion

The Peninah's Passion promo began slowly, but is really picking up the pace today, rising an incredible 1.8 million rankings on So a big thank you to all the buyers out there.
It is so close to gaining bestseller status now, so fingers crossed.

Saturday, 15 August 2015


Well, the Amazon countdown promotion for Peninah's Passion began today.

$0.99 on Or it should be!

Unfortunately for those of us that live outside of the States, $0.99 actually means $2.99. This is something that I just cannot understand... we live in a digital world now, forget letters and parcels and postage. Peninah's Passion is digital, data, bytes of information. Sending it anywhere in the world costs an email. So why does it cost an extra $2 to send an electronic copy to users in Africa... in fact, to users anywhere in the world that live in countries that do not have their own Amazon website and are directed to .com? It's not like there is the old excuse of... "Well, it's because postage costs are high to ship to Africa."

I just don't understand. But there you have it, that's my little moan for the day complete.

Other updates.

Gondell's Quest almost made it into the UK top 100 bestseller list earlier today, as a pre-order it reached #162 in Fairy Tales and #164 in Mythology and Folk Tales. Fingers crossed that it can hit the lists even before anyone has read it!

Editing and proofing continues, and I am devoting considerable time to the illustrations now, my current project, the Griffins of the high mountains. (But I will say no more at the moment, but yes, there are Griffin in the tale, along with many other mythical beings.)

With my work with Gondell and his friends nearing completion, my mind turns to the next project. Should I begin the Kressa Trilogy or complete Non Plus Ultra. Empire is just begging to get finished, as is Crusader. I can't decide at the moment. Maybe inspiration for a new novel will strike... who knows.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Sample Illustration - Gondell's Quest

Here is a sample of the illustrations for my new book, Gondell's Quest.

Amazon US   $0.99    Amazon UK   £0.99
Available to pre order now.
Release date - 15/10/2015

Promo starts in just hours

Peninah's Passion promo starts very soon. (14/08/2015 until 20/08/2015) Only $0.99 or £0.99 from Amazon.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Peninah's Passion Promo dates

The time is approaching fast. Peninah's Passion is on Amazon Countdown Promotion in just over 24 hours.
This was my first novel, and I must admit, despite 5* reviews, I was never entirely happy, hence the second edition. So for those who have read the 1st, it's worth another look because the book has grown.

Originally it was an attempt to mix genre, suspense and erotica, (a move that I took on probably bad advice). Although I would still rate Peninah's Passion as adult reading, the scenes and language are toned down.

Amazon UK  £0.99     Amazon USA  $0.99

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Gondell's Quest Graphics

Gondell's Quest will be my first novel to feature graphics and illustrations.

Illustrations to come soon.

Peninah's Passion on promotion soon

Peninah's Passion is on promotion soon. Starting from the 14th until the 20th of August 2015 this ebook will be offered on Amazon Countdown for only $0.99 / £0.99

For her, it was a journey of self-discovery.
For him, an awakening.

Alex Longdon is a disgraced financial advisor. After his comfortable life has shattered to pieces, the only reason he has to continue is his young and beautiful Kenyan wife, Peninah.

Pursued by a cartel bent on their elimination and running from a dangerous knowledge, they find themselves chased across two continents facing mortal danger, deceit and temptation. For Peninah this is the beginning of a journey of self-discovery, as she slowly begins to understand her own desires and fetishes. For Alex, the journey is an awakening as he begins to understand his wife’s deepest needs.

Maybe they can save their love... but can they save themselves?

Note: This book contains a level of adult content and language.

5 Star Reviews

I had a fabulous time reading this book and really enjoyed the relationships tremendously as well as all of the cultural information about the different countries the couple visited. I always love it when their is a happily ever after. Thank you Mr. Lang for such a great Sunday afternoon read, it really was an adventure!

Suspense, intriguing, sensuality, exciting... an amazing read! We need more stories about Penny! Get the real life woman this book is based on to narrate the book!

I enjoyed this book very much. Although it's been classified as erotic I feel it would be better thought of as an adventure that is interlaced with some quite naughty scenes, but not in the traditional and sometimes very crude depictions and language normally encountered in the erotica genre.
If you enjoy a good read with a little extra spice I would recommend this book very highly.

Outstanding..... I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book, but I was very wrong, plenty of action, sensual, great pace.
More of an adventure than erotica. Absolutely recommended
Outstanding..... I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book, but I was very wrong, plenty of action, sensual, great pace.
More of an adventure than erotica. Absolutely recommended
Outstanding..... I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book, but I was very wrong, plenty of action, sensual, great pace.
More of an adventure than erotica. Absolutely recommended

Amazon USA   Amazon UK

Monday, 3 August 2015

A snippet from Tokoloshe

Soon to be published in Kindle format. Available now as a paperback.

From my novel Tokoloshe.

His low growl; barely audible, just a rumble deep inside his broad chest, he was hungry... starving he understood. Yet despite the tightness and pain he felt in his stomach he was wary, beyond wary, he was afraid.
This was a prey that he had never dared to stalk before, and his instincts told him to run, every one of his kind had a natural fear of the clumsy and noisy creature that he watched now through deep and intense yellow eyes. Yet it was not hunger alone that forced him to begin the stealthy stalk, one cautious step at a time, deliberate and poised, no sound of stirring leaf would come from his experienced paws. There was another force, invisible yet consuming that drove the leopard forward.
It wasn't a force that registered on a conscious level, it was more a compulsion, an urging inside his mind, true, he was afraid but his will grew stronger as he began to salivate in anticipation of the meal to come. The pain in his old joints surfaced as he froze, one paw hovering above the deep humus and dry leaves that formed a thick bed under the trees. His prey; wary, disturbed, he saw the creature pause, staring around with wide eyes, the same look of alertness that he had seen in the eyes of countless other animals, time would tell he knew, wait patiently, move not one whisker, ignore the pain that increased with age. Some would flee, bounding away with startling speed, those he would forget instantly and renew his search, but others would relax, he would see the tension leave their bodies, they would continue to feed. Those were the prey he would savour, his hunger satiated on their warm flesh. This creature returned to its wandering. So noisy, it's lack of stealth unnerved him, only a creature without fear would signal its location to predators so carelessly, yet the will that drove him sharpened his focus and drove away the trepidation.

Almost as a being carved in stone he waited motionless, his breathing less than a whisper, his eyes narrowed, focussed, intense. One step closer it came, he caught the scent again, his primal alarms sounded and for a second his body screamed flee, yet the will held him firm and resolute, his fear dissolving as he rumbled softly, a sound that came from deep in his belly rippling up to escape as a vicious snarl as he pounced.
The creature screamed, a high pitched sound that assaulted his sensitive ears, yet it was pathetically slow, it turned as he sprung from the cover of the bushes but within one of it's bounds he had borne it to the forest floor. It's struggle; feeble, why had he held it in his nightmares for so long? Even more helpless than the docile cattle and goats that he had taken so often since his age had slowed his tired body.
His own instincts controlled him now, the strange influence had disappeared, now he acted as he had countless times before, he felt the fragile windpipe begin to collapse under the crushing power of his jaws as he frantically raked the ragged claws on his hind paws repeatedly down the soft stomach, the screams dwindled to a strained gurgling, the creatures fluids seeped from the rents that he had created, again he bit down on the neck, squeezing the breath and the life from the weakening prey, he felt the shudder, the last tortured gasp... it was done.

Cautiously he paused panting softly from his exertions and listened, now was his greatest risk, lion or hyena, they would rob him of his prize. Swiftly he grabbed the neck again and with monumental strength dragged the lifeless body to the foot of a tall tree, biting down hard he heard the bones breaking and with all of his power heaved the dead weight up, again and again he struggled to drag his meal to safety, his claws digging deep into the bark as he heaved and scrambled and climbed, urgently seeking a branch to hold his meal high above the heads of the robbers he anticipated would arrive quickly drawn by the scent of blood and ruptured bowel.
Finally he was safe, and panting heavily he dropped the limp body into the crook formed by a solid branch where it grew out from the trunk, he scented the forbidden creature before rasping a rough tongue across the dark brown skin, tasting the salt of sweat mixed with the sweet copper tang of fresh blood, secure and confident... he began to feed.

In the shadows a cold malice also feasted, it feasted on emotions, the deep satisfaction that it sensed inside the big cat.
It has tasted man now,” it chuckled, “It knows how fragile and helpless they truly are, it has replaced fear and respect with hunger and desire.”

The Tokoloshe chuckled and delighted in his own ingenuity, this would be a perfect way to clear a path to the female that Douglas so deeply desired.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Updated blurb for Gondell's Quest.

Long before the dawn of man, peace reigned in the world. True evil did not exist. Or so it was thought, for the ancient evil had been defeated long before. But even the wisest can make mistakes. For a new darkness from the north began to spread across the land, insidiously, secretly, a dark leader rising from the ashes.

Gondell Lenzen had never considered himself special or important, an ordinary Gnome, leading an ordinary life. Yet a hidden and long forgotten family heritage drew young Gondell into a chain of events that would bring the free world to the brink of disaster. As the forces of darkness massed against the armies of the Guild, only the legendary Keeper could bring certain victory, a fact that both sides knew well.

The Keeper became the key.

A small team of misfits may prove to be the free worlds only hope as they struggle against the greatest odds to snatch Gondell, the Keeper of legend, from the clutches of the Dark Lord and his minions. An unlikely group. Elf, Ogre, Dwarf and Nymph partner with a Ghul, a desert demon in a desperate race, a race that they cannot afford to lose.

Gondell's Quest, an epic adventure into the world as it was before the rise of man, a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. A story of friendships forged, loyalty won, strategies revealed, deception, fear and doom.