Andy Lang Books

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Human Trafficking – A scar on the face of civilization.

“It doesn't affect me!” A statement made so often, “I live in a civilized country, things like that don't happen here!” Another fallacy. It happens everywhere, in every country. 

During the research for Traffik: The Stolen Girls, I dug deep into the shady world of the traffickers, and although Traffik is purely a work of fiction, the basis of the story is based on first hand accounts given to me by some of the more fortunate girls that managed to escape their captivity.
African girls from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, almost every country in sub-Saharan Africa, South American girls from Brazil and Venezuela. Girls from Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, girls from Russia, Poland, Bulgaria.... all exploited, all imprisoned and forced into degradation. 

The root causes: Greed and Poverty. The greed of ruthless groups that capitalise on misery and desperation, groups that feed hope with lies and false promises. And the poverty that drives the less fortunate to strive for a better life. True, many of these unfortunates are duped because of their own naivety and innocence... but since when have these traits been crimes?

I will tell you the story of one such girl. A Kenyan national. She was promised work in Southern Spain by a fixer in Nairobi, to work as a housekeeper and nanny for a wealthy family.
She was a rural girl with only the most basic of education, and the offer to her eyes was perfect, more money than she had ever dreamed, security, a job that would allow her to support her parents back home. They didn't require any qualifications, all that she had to do was get herself to a collection point! 
Too good to be true, of course... but put yourself into her position, hungry, penniless, no hope, no future, no benefits to rely on... destitute. Now ask yourself... would I be tempted by this offer?
The reality for her involved transport in the hold of a cargo vessel, confiscated passport and identity documents, threats and beatings, forced prostitution and illegal photography/video shoots.

Trapped in a foreign country, without friends or support, she sought to escape, only to be given a horrifying ultimatum. 
Speak to anyone about this, and your parents will die, try to run away, and your parents will die, you will only be free when you have paid your debt to us in full with interest.

Five years she survived in seedy brothels and on the streets, and was one of the lucky few that managed to repay their “costs” and regain her documentation.

This young lady is only one of thousands who are forced into prostitution every year. The statistics vary from source to source but despite discrepancies, it is beyond doubt that these are not isolated cases.

OK, I accept that these things are happening,” you may say, “But what can I do about it?” Individually, very little, but united there is hope. Support organisations that fight this scourge, volunteer, or at the very least donate what you can... every little helps.

It is truth that many choose that particular profession, but the next time that you see a scantily clad hooker walking the street, pause for a second before you judge... just maybe she has no other choice!

Here are a just a few worthy organisations that deserve support.

A story of modern day slavery. Four girls stolen from their homes and sold into a life of degradation and humiliation. Four very different girls who learn to respect and rely on each other as they battle for survival against the odds and a cruel, powerful enemy.

Follow spoilt and vain Jata, sensible and motherly Akinyi, sensitive but disturbed Shani and worldly Marija as they strive to regain their stolen freedom and dignity.

Editorial Review
Human trafficking must be one of the ugliest scourges of humanity, and the author's unflinching look at this abominable practice is heartbreaking, no less so because of his skill in drawing believable, likeable characters. Readers who seek realism and social change will appreciate this book, and lovers of redemption stories where honest people struggle against great odds towards a well-deserved happy ending will find enjoyment in the pages. Traffik: the Stolen Girls will make you angry. It will make you cry. And then it will make you cheer. In all, this is a book well worth reading.


  1. Hi Andy, I am working on building a safe space in the Philippines for rescued women and children of human trafficking, domestic violence, and LGBT-related violence. Trying to get some financial support and awareness to the global problem of modern-day slavery.

    I would like your permission to use your blog to be published on my blogsites: and Thank you for your time and consideration. - Lyn

    1. Hi Lyn

      Please feel free to use any links that you think will be useful.
      And Good Luck.

